If you or your family suffers from allergies, you should make your house as allergen-free as possible. Whether you are allergic to dust, pollen, pet hair, or all of the above, it might be hard for you to make a decision as to where to begin. Carpet Cleaning Service Long Island has listed a few methods to combat allergens and maintain a healthy home to get you started.
• Follow a cleaning schedule
Keeping dirt at bay is a continuous process and it is important to keep your surroundings clean, especially if allergies are a concern. Make sure to wipe surfaces with a damp cloth rather than dusting them dry, because that often brushes dust back into the air. If you suffer from allergies, wear a mask while cleaning or hire a cleaning service if you can.
• Begin a no shoe policy
Keep dust from entering your home in the first place by encouraging visitors to remove their shoes at the doorstep. Provide ample doormats to trap the shoe muck of anyone who enters your home.
• Upgrade your vacuum cleaner
Get a filtered vacuum to trap allergens. These filters work wonders. Also, choose a vacuum cleaner with a portable bag that is easy to change.
• Remove carpeting
Traditional wall to wall carpeting becomes a daunting task to clean. Opt for hardwood flooring instead as this helps keeps the dust down and makes cleaning easier.
• Steam clean your carpet
If you own carpets, clean them regularly with a steam cleaner. The ones you rent from the cleaning companies don’t get hot enough to get rid of allergens, so consider making the investment in a quality steam cleaner to keep your floors allergen free.
• Green your cleanup
Harsh chemical cleaners may have an adverse effect on your health and may irritate people with allergies. Luckily, it is easy to find safer and more effective natural cleaners so that cutting back on the synthetic stuff becomes easy.
• Keep under the bed free of dirt
Clutter attracts dust and makes it very difficult to reach the entire space to vacuum thoroughly. Vacuum under the bed with a hose attachment regularly.
• Ventilate bathrooms properly
Regular cleaning and fresh air should keep mold at bay. But if you observe mold growth, use a cleaner that kills mold. In addition, your bathroom should be properly ventilated so that fresh air penetrates.
• Clean or replace air ducts
This is the key to keeping your home clean and allergen free. Make sure your air duct filter is changed frequently. Each time you change the filter of the heating or cooling system, mark the next change on the calendar and get your air ducts professionally cleaned at least once a year.
• Keep pets out of the bedroom
No matter how cuddly your furry friend is, if he is making you sneeze, it is the right time to set some boundaries. At bare minimum, enforce a no pet policy in your bedroom.
• Keep the air fresh
Open the windows during the day to let in fresh air and sunlight, unless you are suffering from seasonal allergies. Avoid fireplaces and don’t allow smoking in the house.
The above mentioned tips will help you keep away from indoor allergies. Don’t hesitate to contact Carpet Cleaning Service Long Island if you need a deeper clean.
Green Balance products are Non-Toxic Cleaning Solutions. They biodegrade quickly, use renewable surfactants, and have no solvents at all. Besides being non-toxic, they also have no carcinogens, and are perfect for homes that have chemical sensitivities due to the lack of any added dyes or fragrances.