Everything that finds its way onto carpet contributes to giving it a stale odor, dulling its appearance, and eroding the strength of its fibers. Moreover, carpets are designed in such a way that sometimes it becomes difficult to tell how dirty they actually are. This is the main reason many people think that carpet should not be cleaned very often. But in reality, the carpet in your business area or office has to be cleaned frequently so that the mold, mildew, dust, dirt, and other contaminants do not build up, which can be a health or safety issue.
Certainly, carpet cleaning is something that is difficult to manage on your own. You need professional help to keep your carpet clean and looking great. Most people can’t be sure how often you will need to clean your carpet until you have a professional come and give you a quote on how much cleaning will cost and how often it will be required. Hiring a trustworthy carpet cleaning company in Long Island will give you the best advice on how often your carpets should be cleaned.
Though the estimates given by different commercial carpet cleaning services may vary, they will usually be quite similar. Generally, the estimates are based on what kind of carpet you have and the amount of traffic your carpet experiences. If a large number of people are walking on the carpet causing dirt and dust to be trampled into the fiber via foot traffic, then your carpet is sure to get dirty faster than those where foot traffic is less. Another major contributing factor to dirty carpets is the kind of business space your company owns. Also, the color and style of the carpet can greatly influence how often it needs a deep cleaning. The dirt and dust that accumulates will be more visible if your carpet is a lighter shade than if you have carpet with a darker color.
How often you should clean your carpet also depends on what kind of services you consider for the carpet. Cleaning services, such as shampooing, steam cleaning, and vacuuming can all produce different effects. So, you will need to think about how much your business can invest in carpet cleaning, and also how frequently you want to spend money on carpet cleaning. A clean, beautiful carpet gives a great impression. Think about how clean carpets can make a customer feel safe and happy in your environment, and how they help determine the image the public has of your business and your business’ storefront. Your employees might also like it if your carpets are cleaned more often. A clean workspace might make them work more productively and accomplish more within your business.
If you have carpet that customers are often walking on, you might need cleaning services on a monthly basis. You can reduce the frequency of commercial carpet cleaning somewhat by putting out protective floor mats around high-traffic locations. Other areas might stay looking great for longer periods, thus only needing a professional cleaning every six months or so. It is all going to be determined by the carpet cleaning services, so make sure they are honest with you about what you need to keep your carpet looking like new.
Green Balance products are Non-Toxic Cleaning Solutions. They biodegrade quickly, use renewable surfactants, and have no solvents at all. Besides being non-toxic, they also have no carcinogens, and are perfect for homes that have chemical sensitivities due to the lack of any added dyes or fragrances.