Owning a house near a beach or a flood-prone area might cause a lot of trouble at times. In the case of a flood, not only are all your valuables at risk of damage, but your safety is compromised as well.
With a threat of the loss of property and lives, flood water also brings a lot of bacteria and germs with it, resulting in the spread of various water-borne diseases. To save yourself from all these threats and worst case scenarios, it is highly recommended to clean up your house as soon as the hazard is over. This includes ensuring the safety of your house, inspecting the house, and looking for water damage restoration in Long Island.
Here are a few tips that can help you do these things in a systematic manner:
Before you go back inside your house after the flood is over, make sure that it is safe for you to do so. If you’ve called professional flood damage cleaning services in Long Island, the experts can help make sure your house is safe.
This can be done by checking for any loose circuits or wet electronic appliances which might spread electronic current around the wet house. In case there is a threat of short circuits or loose wires, they must be immediately removed and all the appliances must unplugged. Also, keep in note that wet items around your house get quite heavy, so full care must be taken when moving them.
If water has accumulated inside your house, you must get rid of it as soon as possible. If dampness or sogginess remains inside the house for 48 to 72 hours, it will result in microbial or bacterial growth.
The first thing that you must do after going inside your house is to get rid of the water and dry out the entire space. You can call for help from professionals who work on water damage restoration in Long Island.
Before you go drying out the house, you must first make sure that it is emptied. Take the furniture, appliances, and all the other belongings outside. This process will help you in sorting and tossing damaged stuff after you’re done with cleaning.
Water can be taken out with the help of water suction pumps and fans or simply by absorbing it through cloth, collecting it in buckets, and dumping it outside.
Make sure you check every corner of the house for accumulated water and get rid of it before it seeps further in and causes more damage. After getting rid of the water, you need to let your house to dry. Leave the windows open for ventilation and quick drying.
You can call professionals for flood damage cleaning services in Long Island to restore the place. These professionals will look for damage thoroughly and help you demolish damaged items while cleaning and saving those unaffected by the water.
You must pull out the carpets and floor paddings, if any, as water usually seeps inside them, causing a lot of harm to your floor. With the help of the expert water damage restoration in Long Island services, you can restore all the water damage caused inside your home.
Flooding can be a very frustrating and painful hazard. There can be a great loss of property, but the right flood cleanup in Long Island can minimize the water damage.
If the water damage seems huge and things seem out of control, you can always call for professional help.
Green Balance products are Non-Toxic Cleaning Solutions. They biodegrade quickly, use renewable surfactants, and have no solvents at all. Besides being non-toxic, they also have no carcinogens, and are perfect for homes that have chemical sensitivities due to the lack of any added dyes or fragrances.