Whether for bathroom floors, mudrooms, lobbies, showers or kitchens, tile flooring is the first choice of countless homeowners. Tile flooring is available in a wide variety of colors, styles, and motifs, and is considered to be highly durable and versatile. However, these tiles attract to dirt and dust particles, especially in the grout lines. Cleaning tiles and grout lines cannot be ignored even though they need an extra bit of effort and attention. Before you start with grout cleaning, it is important to know what type of flooring you have because not every cleaning product works the same for every floor type.
If you need to clean the tiles or grout in your kitchen or bathroom, here are a few tips that professional tile and grout cleaning services in Suffolk recommend:
Clean up spills as they occur– Professional tile cleaning services in Long Island recommend that you to clean spills immediately because the longer a spill sits on the tile, the higher the likelihood that it will become a stain. As we all know, grout is more prone to staining, owing to its porous nature and the fact that it is light in color. If you accidentally spill food onto the tile in your kitchen, wipe it up before it becomes permanent.
Keep shower time to a minimum– Warm and moist air provides the perfect environment for mildew and mold to thrive. If you have tiled showers and bathroom flooring, tile and grout cleaning professionals in Long Island suggest that you keep your showers brief and be sure to run the exhaust fan in order to curtail these problems.
Use squeegee after each shower– Every time you shower, consider using a squeegee to wipe down the tiles and glass. It will not only prevent excess water from settling into the porous grout, but it will also leave fewer mineral deposits on the tile and glass doors. If you want to take an extra step in mildew prevention, create a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water and store it in a spray bottle. Once or twice per week, spray down the tiles after you squeegee them.
Prefer using a gentle cleaning solution- Professional tile cleaning services in Long Island suggest that when the time comes to clean your tile and grout, start by using the mildest cleaning methods and work your way up to more intense cleaners and methods, as needed. Harsh cleaning chemicals, such as bleach, may make your grout look clean for a short time; but they also strip away the water repellency capabilities. Once that happens, the grout begins to erode and becomes more susceptible to mildew and discoloration, and it may ultimately require re-grouting.
Remembering these expert tips will help you keep your tile and grout clean. Also, if you feel that the tile and grout in your bathroom have stubborn stains that just don’t go away, you can consider hiring professional tile and grout cleaning services in Suffolk. However, ensure that you find a trusted and experienced name that offers the best service at affordable prices.
Green Balance products are Non-Toxic Cleaning Solutions. They biodegrade quickly, use renewable surfactants, and have no solvents at all. Besides being non-toxic, they also have no carcinogens, and are perfect for homes that have chemical sensitivities due to the lack of any added dyes or fragrances.