Leather furniture is known for its durability. This is one of the reasons why leather is considered a big investment long term. However, buying leather furniture and leaving it alone won’t help you. If you don’t use clean it properly, your leather furniture won’t last long.
Thus, the maintenance and upkeep of leather furniture is a must. While you have the option of using the professional services of leather furniture cleaners from time to time, you can also go through this list of the do’s and don’ts of leather furniture care:
The Do’s
I know how much you would love to flaunt your prized possession to guests. However, for the longer life of your leather furniture, you need to make sure that you keep it covered. This can save your furniture from a great deal of damage due to environmental and light exposure.
Some of this damage – tearing or cutting, pet accidents, spillage, etc. can be prevented if your leather furniture is covered. Remember, you can seek professional help from leather upholstery cleaning in Nassau. In case of spills or stains, or if your furniture is torn, it is usually fixable, but not always. So, keeping it covered can help keep it safe.
Cleaning and vacuuming your leather furniture on a regular basis can help maintain its texture or finish and prevent it from getting dull over time. You must dust and clean your leather furniture often.
Also, make sure you use soft cloths and brushes while you’re at it to prevent any scratches. For a thorough, expert cleaning of your furniture, you can also call professional leather furniture cleaners.
If you’re using leather cleaning or maintenance products, make sure you’re careful with them. First of all, buy only those products that are suitable for the type of leather covering your furniture.
Always patch test a product before using it over all the furniture. Regarding the proper usage of these products, you can also consult the professionals engaged in leather upholstery cleaning in Nassau.
The Don’ts
When exposed to extreme temperatures or weather, leather might dry and crack. This goes for both cold and hot temperatures. Avoid keeping your leather furniture in direct sunlight or under an air conditioner.
Though leather stains less often compared to fabric furniture, it still absorbs liquids which can lead to permanent stains. As soon as you spill something on your leather furniture, make sure you clean it up fast. Don’t allow the stain to set as it would then be difficult for you or hired leather furniture cleaners to get rid of it later. Immediately clean up if you spill.
With these simple do’s and don’ts, leather maintenance is easy and effecture, and you can make your favorite furniture last longer.
Green Balance products are Non-Toxic Cleaning Solutions. They biodegrade quickly, use renewable surfactants, and have no solvents at all. Besides being non-toxic, they also have no carcinogens, and are perfect for homes that have chemical sensitivities due to the lack of any added dyes or fragrances.